These versatile Core Decor Quote Cards 6" Designer Cut-Outs are perfect for accenting a variety of classroom displays, bulletin boards, and student projects. They make great labels on cubbies, student folders, supply bins, binders, and more! Also, add any content (e.g., math facts, vocabulary words, or science concepts) to the cut-outs to make instant flash cards, learning cards or student activity cards. Each pack includes 36 pieces, 12 each of 3 designs.
- VERSATILE ACCENTS – The black and white patterns on these cut-outs goes great with a variety of other designs, colors, and themes on bulletin boards, in classrooms, in hallways, around offices, and in common areas!
- MEMORABLE MESSAGES – These 6" cut-outs offer lots of space for writing positive notes to a student or paren't.
- LEARNING ACTIVITIES – Use the cut-outs for learning center activities and writing assignments.
- WHAT'S INCLUDED – These designer cut-outs come with 36 pieces (12 each of 3 designs).