Language Arts

Templates to practice drawing lines in a fun way, helping to pick up habits for pre-writing. The patterns practice directionality and fine motor...
A collection of four extra-long (35.5") accordion books that allow young explorers to discover the world around them and learn first words. Reading...
A miniature take on our popular learning pops! This set of 26 matching ice pops come with a fun surprise—after learning uppercase letters on the...
Best selling Talking Tubes can be used in any educational setting, both indoors and outdoors, to develop children's communication, personal and...
Teach foundational literacy skills with mnemonics that help students connect sounds, letters, shapes, and pictures! Alphabet Picture Mnemonic Cards...
Develop alphabet awareness and learn letter shapes and sounds. The alphabet box contains 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letter card plus 3 object...
Children associate letters, words and pictures by completing a rich and colorful alphabet. In addition, using the tracing method, he/she learns to...
Serve up a scoop of preschool letter skills! Kids learn essential letter recognition skills with every sweet treat when they explore the Mini...